Thursday 11 October 2012


Discuss Church teachings about the pilgrimage site and what you expect to learn from visiting the site
The chapel of Rue De Bac, did believe the apparition with Catherine Laboure really did happen, mostly due to the witnesses, and also because there are other churches in Europe who have approved the apparition. There are stories on how this apparition occurred. The apparition happened twice in the chapel of Rue De Bac. The church teachings discuss how Mary appeared to Catherine Laboure and how apparition impacted on people’s lives. When the time comes I will travel to Rue De Bac, in Paris, France. I will expect to see many Christians there, praying, strengthening their relationship with their faith. I will expect to have a stronger connection with my faith, because I believe in Jesus Christ, and knowing his Mother appeared to Rue De Bac, and giving Catherine Laboure a mission, it truly shows the love and passion we should have towards our faith. I am hoping and looking forward to learning the apparition of the chapel, and experiencing how Catherine Larbour responded to Our Blessed Virgin Mother Mary. I read about Catherine Laboure body being incorrupt and how the body is clean and looks like the body was just placed in yesterday. I will expect the body to still be like that, to show that Catherine Laboure has been Blessed.

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